Monday, January 24, 2011

Who's to say..

Holy geebers, I have blogged a lot lately. I do enjoy it though. I meditated again today, so that's two days now! I know it's not much, but I'm still pleased with myself because for quite a while I have been wanting to do it and now I have started. I will keep going too, I have been feeling fine since last night. Whats been bothering me, isn't really bothering me anymore... can't really work out why though. I talked about it, even though I was actually forced to say it and in the end I gave in, even though I didn't want to. But I am rather stubborn sometimes and I have an extreme amount of trouble admitting insecurities. Especially admitting them to people who may have helped add to that insecurity, even though they probably don't even realise. So maybe talking about it was what I needed, even though I wanted so badly to deal with it myself. Why do I make things so hard for myself? I hold onto things and just never show anyone when it's hurting me, instead of actually talking to them about it. This kind of thing rarely happens though, and usually little things I can get over easily. Actually this thing that had been getting to me, I do know why I didn't want to talk about it. But I did and I feel better, so really all in all it was a positive outcome.

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