Friday, January 14, 2011

I believe

I believe in forgiveness.

I believe everyone is unique.
I believe in seconds chances.

I believe in staying true to you.

I believe we make our own happiness.

I believe we define who we are, no one else.

I believe we take all the little things for granted.

I believe music has the ability to alter your mood.

I believe we often judge ourselves way to harshly.

I believe we move on, but we never forget the pain.

I believe in taking chances, not letting fear consume you.

I believe you can achieve anything you commit yourself to.

I believe in loving youself, no one can love you like you can.

I believe beauty is much more than what is only visible to the eye.

I believe everyone deserves to be treated with coutesy and respect.

I believe honesty and trust are key ingredients to any relationship.

I believe we don't tell the people we love, that we love them enough.

I believe being positive can completely change your outlook on the world.

I believe it is ok to make mistakes, everyone does and we learn from them.

I believe you shouldn't let negative comments from others bring you down.

I believe we should treat animals with the same respect we treat our family members.

I believe what is important in a person can only be felt with the heart, for it is invisible to the eye.

I believe in you.

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