Monday, February 7, 2011

Love's Flame

When darkness forces its company

Leaving sorrow in its wake

Grasping our humanity

Bends and twirls uncontrolled

Gradually withering, gripping to its core

Suddenly its flame illuminates all around us

We feel our soul glow

A light so untainted

Strong enough to overcome

Calm and at peace once more

Delicate warmth surrounds all who enters its presence

Allowing comfort, a love so pure

True in all its colors, honest it is

Opening up to trust, showing its frailty

Offering a chance to cherish or abandon

© Kristi

I wrote this in about 8 minuets and I thought it turned out alright. It still needs work, but I decided to post it anyway. I think it's pretty clear about it's meaning, the metaphor of a flame used to explain love. How fragile a flame is, you can light it and keep it burning or you can put it out. The same as love. The bends in the flame and the twirls, the darkness all symbolizing that love is hard sometimes and the flame becomes weaker gripping to the wick to keep burning. But once the wind has calmed the flame returns to its original strength, as with love the hard times can be overcome and we become stronger for it. We grow and learn together, bringing us closer. Love I think is also about vulnerability, opening up to that person and letting ourselves be vulnerable and know it's ok. And towards the end I speak about how love can be freeing, empowering, it can bring light back into our lives where there was once darkness. It completes and comforts us, a life without love would truly be no life at all.

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. - Mother Teresa

And I think also just about kindness in general. Some people are very blunt with what they say, they tell everyone "they tell it how it is." Yet, I wonder why. I am the kind of person who always thinks before I speak, I think about how it could effect people. Will this comment make someone upset? And then if it will, I question it's importance. If I truly believe this bit of information is something important, then it is fair enough to be said. But if not, then why cause that person unnecessary suffering? People often question me as to why I don't say certain things, and it's like they don't understand why I wouldn't say something that could upset someone. I would much prefer to offer a compliment or encouragement. To touch a person's day with kindness, rather than something which could make them upset. But somehow some people don't think of it that way. I have had people point things out about me, in front of other people, things that were personal and were difficult for me. Yet they would say it in front of everyone, not considering how it would effect me. But lots of people do that, I just know how it feels and would never want anyone else to have to deal with it. I just wish people could see and actually care about what they said to other people. You never know what a comment could do to someone, hurt them, lower self esteem. Seeing other people happy, makes me happy, I don't want to hurt anyone, because it hurts me.

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