Eucalyptus tissues aren't to good for my eyes, kind of burnt a little haha! Their good for the nose though :) they smell nice.
I don't know why but I have felt kind of drained today and I'm not sure why. But I don't really like feeling like this since my emotions become quite touchy. No one else would notice though, since I try so very hard for it not to show since I know there isn't really a need. But even though it isn't known to other people, it definitely is known to me. But I think I just need sleep which I will get once I write this post.
This past year and half, have been I guess a major time in my life. Lots of learning, growing, challenges which are all good. Just the stress and difficult situations/questions are full on at times. But those are where some of the most learning takes place, with the hard things. I am kind of in this phase where I am really finding my feet I guess. To be sure of who I am as a person and in some ways I am still figuring that out. I am sure of myself but I am still looking for opportunities to grow. I want to broaden my views and goals as well as my knowledge.
My beliefs and faith have been things constantly on my mind lately. And some answers I feel I want answered, but where to go to ask them? I think I just need to figure and decide these things for myself though. Because it's something where I don't think an answer from someone else would be the solution. I think our faiths and beliefs are a very personal growth. I want to decide and accept things because I want to and I truly believe them and not because someone else believes it. It has to feel right in my heart and it does at the moment, it's just I feel there is still so much more growing to be done. I want to be closer.
Anyways I should go to bed, at least having gotten this out of my mind might not keep me awake thinking about it! Goodnight :)
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