Monday, March 21, 2011


Image from weheartit

I read something just before which made me think about how within society there is often this warped view of what a successful relationship is. Creating unrealistic expectations, and I'm sure we all know what happens when we have expectations which don't live up to what we expected. What happens? We get disappointed. That's why I have come to believe to entering into every situation with an open mind and willingness to deal with things in the case something does go pear shaped. Whether it be a dinner party or a new moisturizer. But specifically speaking about relationships (with your significant other, and by that I mean boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife). What's a successful relationship to you? I believe in a relationship both people should be willing to compromise. An equal relationship where both partners feel content and not taken for granted. Where each person feels they can openly express their opinions or concerns without fear of being judged. Communication to me is a HUGE component of a relationship. You need to be able to express how you feel and I believe the listener should then listen without judgment and respond according to how they feel but in a sensitive manner towards how their partner feels. But of coarse both people need to consider how the other feels and that's when the compromise comes in and decide on a solution which you are both happy with. I believe relationships need respect, trust, honesty and genuinely caring for the other person and of coarse loving them. Even with all that said not all of those things are easily achieved, especially when we think about our emotions and how not always are we able to deal with and express how we feel in a controlled way. These things aren't always easy, relationships aren't always roses and butterflies. They can be tough sometimes, but they are definitely worth it. When their good it's the most fulfilling feeling and can make you feel happiness in ways you didn't know existed. Love is powerful.

And when it comes to respect, I can't stress enough how important it is to me. When it comes to your values, beliefs and boundaries. I don't believe anyone has the right to question those. Of coarse I think it's alright to disagree, if say your values or beliefs were different but to do it in a way without putting down what they believe. Open discussion is a good thing but not for anyone to try to cross your boundaries or put down what you believe or value. You are your own person and deserve to be respected. If someone doesn't respect you, then really I don't think they deserve you. Respect is a two way street though of coarse, so it needs to come from both sides.

This is all only my opinion though, people value different things in relationships and no one is right or wrong. I really believe in individuality, no one is the same, we all think differently and we all want different things. I would never judge someone for what they believe or value.

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