Today just for the sake of it, I am going to go through some of my favourite things :) and why their my favourite.
I absolutely adore this movie. I have watched it more times than I can count and I still enjoy it just as much as the first time I saw it. Gary Oldman did a fabulous job as Dracula! I don't think anyone could top what a great job he did. He practically draws the audience into his darkness and passion through till the end. I loved how from the start of the movie it explains how Dracula became Dracula and his bond with Elisabeta was formed. The love story between Dracula and Mina/Elisabeta is one which is very captivating in itself, as well as heartbreaking to me. Eternal love which due to unfortunate circumstance was not ever able to be lived. The storyline itself is amazing, but this movie is just as pleasing visually. The set and the costumes are so beautiful, it kind of has a dark enchanting feeling to it, which I love and suited it very well. Gosh I loved the dresses Mina and Lucy wore, I want one! This in my opinion is by far the best Dracula movie, ever made.
My Favourite MusicThis is a hard one for me, because there are so many songs I love. I think I will just have to name a couple of them, in no particular order.
Kate Bush - Constellation of the heart, Kite, Babooshka, This woman's work, The red shoes
Pink Floyd - On the turning away, Wish you were here
Annie Lennox - Love song for a Vampire
Vanessa Carlton - Come undone
Nikola Sarcevic - Nobody without you
Suzanne Vega - The Queen and the Soldier
Enya - Only time, Caribbean Blue
Alanis Morissette - Head over Feet
Iron Maiden - Wasted years, Run to the Hills, Blood Brothers
Meat Loaf - I would do anything for love
Bjork - Pagan Poetry
Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet
Angus and Julia Stone - For you
Regina Spektor - Better, Eet, The Call, Laughing with
Maria Mena - Miss you love
Sia - My love
These are some of the songs (believe me there are more) that at some stage I listened to over and over and over again. When I listen to music for me to really like it, it has to make me feel something. Of coarse we all can like a song because it sounds good, but the ones that stick with me the ones I love the most have meaning to me. I would give an explanation with each one but there would just be to much haha!
My Favourite ColourYes, it would most definitely be purple :D
My Favourite foodWell this is also a hard one, I love food. I am a vegetarian though, so as long as it does not have anything with meat, I'll probably eat it :) Some of the first things which come to mind would be:
-Chocolate, anything and everything made of it. You probably could have guessed right?

-Sandwiches! All different combination's :) yum yum!
-Cornflakes, yes that is correct. I really like cornflakes, every since I was little.
-Sushi, I could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
-Avacardo, I could eat this with pretty much anything.

-Spaghetti (vegetarian kind of coarse) :)
My Favourite AnimalI have always had a fascination for Elephants. They are so huge but so gentle (unless they feel under threat, which is understandable. Especially with poachers :/ who will take their life for just one single tusk). I remember watching an elephant documentary on elephants, and I was so touched by it and it made me fall even more in love with them. They are so intelligent, and it has been proved they too can feel grief. Elephants even stay with their family, they travel in herds with the other elephants who are related to them (well the females, the males elephants leave once they are old enough to join the other bull elephants).
Just watching elephants interact how could someone not believe they too have feelings. I don't know how anyone could harm them, I mean where would their heart be? This animal has just as much of a want to live just as you or I. And they are taking that away from them.
These are some things I found on elephants, which better helps explain their capability for emotion (found at
LoveThere is no greater love in elephant society than the maternal kind. Nobody who observes a mother with her calf could doubt this. It is one of the most touching aspects of elephant social customs. The calf is so small compared to the adult that it walks under its mother, who, incredibly, does not step on it or trip over it. Mother and child remain in constant touch. If a calf strays too far from its mother, she will fetch it. The mother often touches her child with trunk and legs, helping it to its feet with one foot and her trunk. She carries it over obstacles and hauls it out of pits or ravines. She pushes it under her to protect it from predators or hot sun. She bathes it, using her trunk to spray water over it and then to scrub it gently. The mother steers her calf by grasping its tail with her trunk, and the calf follows, holding its mother's tail. When the calf squeals in distress, its mother and others rush to its protection immediately. It is easy to see why the bond between mother and daughter lasts 50 years or more.
GriefOne of the most moving displays of elephant emotion is the grieving process. Elephants remember and mourn loved ones, even many years after their death. When an elephant walks past a place that a loved one died he or she will stop and take a silent pause that can last several minutes. While standing over the remains, the elephant may touch the bones of the dead elephant (not the bones of any other species), smelling them, turning them over and caressing the bones with their trunk. Researchers don't quite understand the reason for this behavior. They guess the elephants could be grieving. Or they could they be reliving memories. Or perhaps the elephant is trying to recognize the deceased. Whatever the reason, researchers suspect that the sheer interest in the dead elephant is evidence that elephants have a concept of death. In UNFORGETTABLE ELEPHANTS, when Erin is wounded, Echo and the family never wander far from her over the course of several days, leaving only to drink. After Erin's death, her family touched and smelled the bones, as filmmaker Martyn Colbeck says, "as if they were trying to understand what had happened."
Researchers have described mother elephants who appear to go through a period of despondency after the death of a calf, dragging behind the herd for days. They've also witnessed an elephant herd circling a dead companion disconsolately. After some time, and likely when they realized the elephant was dead, the family members broke off branches, tore grass clumps and dropped these on the carcass. Another researcher noted a family of African elephants surrounding a dying matriarch. The family stood around her and tried to get her up with their tusks and put food in her mouth. When the rest of the herd finally moved on, one female and one calf stayed with her, touching her with their feet.

They are just gorgeous and I have the utmost respect for them.
My Favourite BookAnother difficult one! I have read a fair few books, mostly biographies. Also the house of Night books and Fallen, I liked those as well. But it would be the biographies which stay with me the most. I will list the ones I have read:
-Mao's Last Dancer
-Helen Keller
-Daughter of china
-Chinese Cinderella
-Anne Frank's Diary
-Nancy Wake
-In the name of honor
-Not without you
Each and every one of these books, touched me in some way. So if asked what my favourite book was, it would be all of them.