The way I see love, is seeing a person for who they really are and accepting everything about them. Having trust and being honest. Feeling comfortable with them and knowing you can open up to them and freely expressing opinions without worrying. A feeling of absolute content and happiness knowing you have them. The thought of living without them, unbearable.
I never use to think of love as something scary. But I think what makes love scary is the vulnerability. Opening ourselves up to someone so completely. Every human is afraid of being vulnerable, of being hurt. So we close off those parts of our hearts, even to people who are closest to us because we are afraid they are going to touch the part of our hearts that hurt us the most. But being in a relationship is about opening up and letting ourselves be vulnerable, knowing it's ok. To voice what we feel, what hurts us and scares us. Because the person we are in a relationship with should be the last person who would ever want to hurt us. Even though relationships have ups and downs, no relationship is always butterflies and roses. But the rough times can always be worked through and it makes you stronger and brings you closer. Talking about things are how things are overcome together, why communication is so important in a relationship. If someone is upset by something their partner does or has said, talking about it is how it is solved. And as the listener patience and understanding is a good quality to have, then react calmly according to how you feel. Compromises need to be made in order to keep a balance and have both people content. Because people won't be happy in an unbalanced relationship where they might feel neglected/unappreciated/ignored among other things. These things aren't always easy to master though I think, because our emotions can get the best of us when we aren't at ease with them. Which is probably why talking about them can offer comfort for us.
All in all though, I think relationships are wonderful. The relationships we have with our significant other, our friends, our family. Where would we be without the people that mean so much to us? They make us happy :) even though they hurt us sometimes. The hurt is nothing when we look at the whole picture. Although not all relationships work and even with the end of one, a new one is sure to soon begin. I personally am very content with my relationships. I have an amazing boyfriend who I absolutely adore and I love him with all my heart. A great group of girls who I know will always be there for me when I need them, their like my second family. As well as my family who are very important to me, who I always can chill with and they all make me laugh so much (especially my brother).
This is all just my take on things, relationships and people's views on them would all be different :) this is just what I believe.

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