The more I get into my psychology coarse, the more I know I made the right decision for what I want to do for a career. I just love learning everything we have been, its so interesting. To the point, I want to pick up that text book and read the whole chapter on Positive Psychology. Things like that usually aren't normal for me haha! I have just been taking steps forward recently and damn does it feel good! Caleb is coming on the 18th, so excited! He'll be here for the Easter holidays. I can't wait to see him again, it'll just make everything even better.
I still need to get a job though, thats the only thing that's not so good at the moment. But I will definitely start applying at places soon! I need the money.
On a random note, had citrus tea from T2 with Claire today and it is sooooo good! Shall have to get me some of that next time I'm there :)