Monday, February 28, 2011
There were a few down moments this week, just family wise. Caleb was very supportive though. I was worried about him being here because I didn't want him to be upset about any of it. But he reassured me he was just worried about me. It was pretty full on, just everything. But everything is better now, which is good. I was just really worried.
Was the first day back at uni today, pretty chilled. Still thinking about which area of psychology I was to choose my career in. There are so many choices and a fair few ones I would like to try out. Which I can, just means more study.
I have had a skin breakout of pimples as well which I think are due to stress -sighh! I need to drink more water as well. There will be many benefits. Currently I have my feet soaking in some water, they have been so dry and I keep telling myself to do something about it. I want to look after my skin better, which also includes my feets :). So soaking my feet and then moisturising and then putting on socks to lock in the moisture! I also need to start meditating again! I was reading in my psychology text book that meditation is very beneficial for the brain and can even reduce the chance of health problems. And it can just make you a happier person in general, more fulfilled. I think many people are hesitant of trying it because they feel it can't be true or that its time consuming? When to me it isn't either, you can do it for as long as you want to, doesn't need to be like two hours or anything. Or I guess maybe just not interested which is fair enough, each to their own. I personally love it.
I think this is long already so fairwell! :)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
And don't be suprised if I love you for all that you are
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it
You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was
You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service
You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience
You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long
I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now
You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault
Lyrics from 'Head Over Feet' by Alanis Morissette
I loved this song from the moment I heard it, and it instantly made me think of Caleb. Because ever since I met him, I felt like this song really explained how I felt towards him. I think Alanis paints love in such a fantastic light within the lyrics of this song, it's so positive.
Caleb is asleep on my bed at the moment :) he looked so adorable and I couldn't bring myself to wake him, he was so tired. I feel so lucky to have him, even though having the distance between us is hard. I miss him so much, but it makes the time we have together even more special.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
this must be what beauty sounds like

Monday, February 14, 2011
Life can be so full on with school/work/university, relationships, ect. You'll have the days when you are feeling really good, and you'll have the days when you are feeling really sad. Life can be tough. Don't you think we deserve to take that step back? It's ok to grab that cup of tea and just sit outside for like two hours admiring the scenery, taking pleasure in the simple things and seeing the beauty within the world we live. I think we are so on the go all the time, we don't take the time to stop and see the beautiful things all around us. To live in the moment and appreciate our lives for everything they are. We have gotten into this habit of constantly looking into the future, planning our lives out instead of letting it just happen. I think some planning is good, because sometimes we need to do that (things like appointments ect). But once that is done, remember to concentrate on where we are now.
Meditation is wonderful, it's that time when you take the chance to find a quiet place and sit and reflect on your thoughts, whats happening in your life and seeing how you feel about it all. It helps you to overcome the things that scare or hurt you. Move on from the past torments and helps you to live for the here and now. It can make you feel happier, more content with your life. It teaches you patience and concentration. Those are just some of the benefits. Of coarse meditation takes practice and you won't receive it's rewards straight away, they come over time.
Be kind to yourself and to others, we all deserve to be happy :)
-Stacey Charter
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Do you see what I see?
Anyway! Today I wanted to blog about, paintings. How I adore them, honestly they are just mesmerizing to me as I am sure they are to many people. And how I wish I could paint, even though we all can paint, it's just whether we're good at it or not. Although I don't think you need to be a skilled painter to create a beautiful piece of art. I love to look at paintings and I find them inspirational, beautiful and they are able to make you feel things. All different emotions, understanding of what is trying to be depicted through the imagery. And they make me think, what inspired this artist to paint this? They intrigue me and I love it. I am going to list some artists and show one of the paintings by them which I love, even though there are definitely more than one which I love.
John Waterhouse - Pandora, 1896
Vincent Van Gogh - Almond branches in bloom, 1890
Ernest Herbert - Ophelia, 1910
Salvador Dali - Meditative rose, 1958

John Anster Fitzgerald - The stuff that dreams are made of, 1858

Frederick George Cotman - One of the family,
Jean Baptiste Monge -

George Clausen
Arthur Rackham - Little Miss Muffet, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice
Monday, February 7, 2011
When darkness forces its company
Leaving sorrow in its wake
Grasping our humanity
Bends and twirls uncontrolled
Gradually withering, gripping to its core
Suddenly its flame illuminates all around us
We feel our soul glow
A light so untainted
Strong enough to overcome
Calm and at peace once more
Delicate warmth surrounds all who enters its presence
Allowing comfort, a love so pure
True in all its colors, honest it is
Opening up to trust, showing its frailty
Offering a chance to cherish or abandon
© Kristi
I wrote this in about 8 minuets and I thought it turned out alright. It still needs work, but I decided to post it anyway. I think it's pretty clear about it's meaning, the metaphor of a flame used to explain love. How fragile a flame is, you can light it and keep it burning or you can put it out. The same as love. The bends in the flame and the twirls, the darkness all symbolizing that love is hard sometimes and the flame becomes weaker gripping to the wick to keep burning. But once the wind has calmed the flame returns to its original strength, as with love the hard times can be overcome and we become stronger for it. We grow and learn together, bringing us closer. Love I think is also about vulnerability, opening up to that person and letting ourselves be vulnerable and know it's ok. And towards the end I speak about how love can be freeing, empowering, it can bring light back into our lives where there was once darkness. It completes and comforts us, a life without love would truly be no life at all.
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. - Mother TeresaAnd I think also just about kindness in general. Some people are very blunt with what they say, they tell everyone "they tell it how it is." Yet, I wonder why. I am the kind of person who always thinks before I speak, I think about how it could effect people. Will this comment make someone upset? And then if it will, I question it's importance. If I truly believe this bit of information is something important, then it is fair enough to be said. But if not, then why cause that person unnecessary suffering? People often question me as to why I don't say certain things, and it's like they don't understand why I wouldn't say something that could upset someone. I would much prefer to offer a compliment or encouragement. To touch a person's day with kindness, rather than something which could make them upset. But somehow some people don't think of it that way. I have had people point things out about me, in front of other people, things that were personal and were difficult for me. Yet they would say it in front of everyone, not considering how it would effect me. But lots of people do that, I just know how it feels and would never want anyone else to have to deal with it. I just wish people could see and actually care about what they said to other people. You never know what a comment could do to someone, hurt them, lower self esteem. Seeing other people happy, makes me happy, I don't want to hurt anyone, because it hurts me.
green containers and spiders
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sure know something
I always avoid things that make me anxious, but then make myself even more anxious because time ticks away and that thing that still needs to be tended to has not been. Therefore making the situation even worse for myself. Why do I do this? Yes I am scared of confronting this situation, but the longer I leave it, the scarier it becomes. So really there is no logic in putting it off. So you know what, I am going to stop blogging and do it right now.